Welcome to 4 Our Military!!

Hello and welcome to my blog. My name is Michelle and I am an avid supporter of our Military. Here, I will be blogging about everything I have going on in the way of supporting our troops. If you too are involved in supporting our troops, I would love to hear what you are doing in your community. For the past three years, I have been a volunteer for an organization called 'Adopt A US Soldier'. They are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that allows you to sign up to "adopt" a soldier that is deployed and in need of some support. If you have any comments or suggestions, please feel free to contact me. Please direct all mail to MDawn213@aol.com. Thank you all for your support!!

Project Frontlines (Project #1 that I am currently working on)

Project Frontlines is one of the two projects that I am currently working on. This was started by Kylie Johnson and Mark Klodzinski. We then worked together and have made it an official part of 'Adopt A US Soldier'. What is Project Frontlines? We have a unit in Afghanistan that is in a very remote location. Through Project Frontlines, these men and women in uniform will receive donations from supporters around the world. For more information or to donate, please visit the Adopt A US Soldier website. We have just received a HUGE donation of 1,500 bags of coffee and it is going to cost A LOT to ship over to our troops. PLEASE consider donating for shipping costs. Every amount counts!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Two days of shopping

It has been a hectic two days of shopping. Granted, it was fun, but it was hectic! Monday we did our Kroger shopping which included water, laudry detergent, fabric softener, and toilet paper. That wasn't too bad. We also did the dollar store for candy dishes for each room. While we were there, we found some cute candies that were wrapped in patriotic wrapping so we picked them up too. The rest of the candy, we got from CVS because it was on sale. On Tuesday night, we decorated the 50 bags we have to fill for the soldiers. I think they came out pretty cute! What do you think??

On Tuesday, we got up bright and early to go to Walmart to finish our shopping (well...bright and early for us). We met Christina (one of the wives of the soldiers who's been helping throughout this process) there and we went to work. First up were pillows. 30 pillows and three carts later, we were at the customer service desk. We left them three there and got 3 empty carts. To make things easier, we connected all 4 carts together using the child seatbelt. We loaded up the carts with paper towels, laundry baskets, air freshner, soap, and more. I can't even count how many sideways looks we got and how many time I had to say excuse us, and explain what we were doing. It was quite a scene, I have to say. Here are some pictures...

After the shopping trip, it was time to drop it at the storage unit and work on stuffing the bags. We've decorated the bags, now it was time to stuff them with the red, white, and blue tissue paper stock them full with hygiene items (shampoo, razors, soap, etc.) and finish them off with some red, white, and blue curly ribbon. After working for a couple hours, the bags were looking good and ready to be put in baskets. The baskets we will be doing tomorrow along with signs. Then on Friday we will be going to the barrack rooms and putting everything together. Below are some pictures of us all and the kids putting together the bags. I will update more after we do the baskets, signs, and rooms. Hope you are all having a wonderful day.

Michelle & Meg

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